Posted on Jan 27, 2025 in BLOG, General |
“God is the One who knows what’s right for me. God is pure love, and I am the focus of His love. God will never tell me to do anything that is detrimental. Whatever He says will always end up best. Therefore, no matter what He says, I gladly choose to obey.”-John Bevere.
The fear of the Lord is obedience. When you obey God, you demonstrate awesome respect for God. Noah feared God. Abraham feared God. David feared God. Jesus feared God. The fear of the Lord brought success and victory, whereas disobedience to the Lord brings disaster. Obedience to God should not be based on fear or feeling disgruntled like God is holding out on you. Obedience to God should be done in the knowledge that God’s commands are based on the love of God. Don’t accept life below God’s standards. His life is abundant. God is infinite in wisdom and is the source of love. When He commands something, you know that it is rooted in what is best for you.
When you compromise with the devil, when you surrender your faith and your Godly standards, you fall prey to the enemy and his plan for your life. A foothold can become a stronghold if you think about it long enough. Internal escalation is a tactic of the enemy. Cast down every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of Christ! Here are some tactics of the enemy designed to get you to compromise and surrender.
- The enemy will try to get you to question what you believe.
- The enemy will try to drive a wedge between you and God.
- The enemy will try to drive a wedge between you and those who encourage you.
- Don’t become isolated by the enemy and become his prey.
Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah, and he did what was good and right and faithful before the Lord his God-2 Chronicles 31:20
Posted on Oct 28, 2024 in BLOG, General | Tags: christianworldview
In the year 1794 founding father Thomas Jefferson, one of the greatest thinkers ever, understood and fought for the idea that not just rich landowners should be allowed to vote but the privilege to vote belonged to all people. “The influence over government must be shared among all the people.”
People have fought, died, and shed blood, sweat, and tears to earn the right to have their voices heard. As an American, it is our privilege to vote. This should not be taken for granted. Freedom can be voted away but it must be won back with the firing of guns. For many across the globe that privilege has been stripped from them. The writer of the Wow Church blog lived in China for several years. I spoke with a friend there about the voting system in America and he lamented that he has never voted. I can testify that they would love the opportunity to vote for who they deemed appropriate to govern their nation.
As a follower of Jesus, you may think to yourself, “I don’t like either candidate for President or most of the other candidates!” Our honest response is we can’t blame you for that thought. The business of politics is dirty, producing people who don’t always align truly to our Christian faith or values. Sometimes leeway must be given as we don’t yet live under the perfect rule and harmony of Jesus Christ. If you don’t vote then non-believers who don’t have your values will vote and they will vote for candidates that are opposed to your Christian worldview.
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Posted on Sep 29, 2024 in BLOG, General |
Imagine with me, your computer or an appliances that is still, sluggish, stuck, not working at full capacity. Even our bodies or minds can get this way. Our minds get in a fog. Our bodies feel sluggish. Any one wake up in the morning and wish you could get rebooted? That’s the first response right? Unplug it, restart it, rest it, or nourish it. Many things in life need a reboot. Our Spirit is no different. In truth the nation, the church and individuals need a Jesus reboot. We live in a nation and world that no longer values, life, family, traditional values, God, the church etc. The church has watered down the gospel to try and appeal to younger generations and so forth. Read more…
Posted on Aug 24, 2024 in BLOG, General |
Three Ways to Participate in the Kingdom of God
For the past few weeks Pastor Will has been preaching on The Kingdom of God. That’s a broad spectrum topic that’s a mile wide and a mile deep; but he is breaking it down for us to digest. If you missed any of it, you can watch or listen on Podbean or YouTube.
Today though I want to share with you some thoughts on your participation in the Kingdom of God. Jesus did His part. He took on his back the sin of the world, yours and mine and paid the price in blood. He rose from the grave and is seated in Heavenly places at the right hand of the Father. This is not a spectator Kingdom, no it’s a get involved, don’t hold back, sold out, operating in grace kind of Kingdom. The Holy Spirit empowers us to take charge of in the full resources of the Kingdom of God. You see we are called to be salt and light to the world. Salt makes things better, light makes things brighter. Read more…
Posted on Jul 30, 2024 in BLOG, General |
The Hope of the World
What is the hope of all the world? Is it green agendas? Clean energy? More social tolerance? Is it more education? Is it more government programs? Is it more medical knowledge and supplies?
No the hope of all the world is a organic organization that started 2000 years ago. It is commonly known today as the local church. You see Jesus didn’t start an earthly kingdom. The Kingdom of God is here and now amongst us. Jesus instituted and empowered a local body of believers to carry out his love, compassion, commands and he’s given us the Holy Spirit in order to change this world. Read more…
Posted on May 28, 2024 in BLOG, General |
The King Returns: Jesus is Coming
When Pastor Will started this series there was snow flying around our Bowersville church and now we have reached the start of summer! This series has been worth the length. All Christians need to have a basic understanding of the End Times events, the calendar, and the book of Revelation. Please take the time to download the free PDF book in the link above to learn more on this subject. Ultimately the book of Revelation is not about future historical events but the revelation of Jesus Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords! Friends and readers you need to understand one primary thing and that Jesus is coming again as He promised. Read more…
Posted on Apr 30, 2024 in BLOG, General |
Wow Church is Reaching the Nations
As you know Pastor Will is preaching a powerful sermon series on the end times entitled “The King Returns” in which he is sharing the timeline of what will transpire in the Tribulation period. If you want to follow this timeline for yourself please ask and we will send you a free PDF booklet. Jesus also outlines the End Times in Matthew 24. In that chapter He shares with us that a very important event must happen before the end will come.
”And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.“-Matthew 24:14 ESV Read more…
Posted on Mar 26, 2024 in BLOG, General |
How to Avoid the Tribulation of the End Times
For the past two months Pastor Will has been a conductor of illumination on the often troubling and hard to understand end times events. These events include the joy of the Rapture of the Church, the Jewish Witnesses, the Deception of the Anti-Christ the turbulent Tribulation and the judgement of Jehovah. In all these events we have seen that this earth will not be the devils playground nor will it suffer the terror of the Anti-Christ at their will but these individuals and all others will be subject to the breaking of the Seven Seals in Heaven and the judgment of Christ on a unrepentant world! God is in control now and He will be so in the future! Read more…
Posted on Mar 2, 2024 in BLOG, General |
As the two-thousand twenties started the world shifted. This will be a decade remembered and marred by the global pandemic and the social and political outrage and questioning of the vaccine that followed. It has been a decade of racial and gender issues. It has been a decade of ever increasing suspicion of the government and its leaders. War in Ukraine and Israel have yet to relent their hold. The rise of digital implants, crypto currency, new world orders, artificial intelligence and many more are all pointing to and setting the stage for the end of the age. What do we know? Probably less than we like to guess. What do we suspect?t More than we likely have rights to. What can we be sure of? We can be sure of the Word of God. Read more…
Posted on Mar 5, 2017 in General |