Thanksgiving is a powerful tool given to us by the Lord. Thanksgiving is the key to the presence of God. The Bible shares with us in the book of Psalms that we should enter Heaven’s gates with Thanksgiving on our lips in our hearts. ( Psalm 100 ) Why is this the president of the Lord? Having a posture of thanksgiving ushers in an attitude of humility and gratefulness. The Bible also tells us that God gives grace to the humble. ( James 4:6 ) Scripture informs us that the throne of God is a throne of Grace.
As we enter the throne room of Grace we do so by humility and thanksgiving so that we are in position and with the right heart and mindset to receive an abundance of grace from our good God. You can’t enter the throne of grace haughtily or with a spirit of complaining. God, after all, resists the proud. Thanksgiving is the usher, the bellhop to the throne of grace. The precious blood of Jesus provides for grace of course. We come to Jesus with a heart of humility and He pours out grace to cover our sins, and to empower us to live our lives for Him. We at Wow Church invite you to celebrate Thanksgiving with us as we give thanks to our God for the abundance of grace and the forgiveness of our sins.
Let’s read what Paul wrote in the letter to the church at Colosse,” And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”
Happy Thanksgiving everyone and pass the cranberry sauce.