The Hope of the World
What is the hope of all the world? Is it green agendas? Clean energy? More social tolerance? Is it more education? Is it more government programs? Is it more medical knowledge and supplies?
No the hope of all the world is a organic organization that started 2000 years ago. It is commonly known today as the local church. You see Jesus didn’t start an earthly kingdom. The Kingdom of God is here and now amongst us. Jesus instituted and empowered a local body of believers to carry out his love, compassion, commands and he’s given us the Holy Spirit in order to change this world.
Nestled along the side street of of the sleepy little town of Bowersville there is a church. It resembles on the outside many other churches across small town America. However this church focuses not on being a country club to the members but to reach out to the community. We participated in a local car show in town and actively engaged and loved on the participants.
Pastor Will has been preaching on the Kingdom of God and we the members of this church need to make sure we are carrying out this message in our daily lives. Members also stepped up this month, while Pastor was on vacation; to speak on your identity in Christ and our covenant relationship we have with Christ. We need a strong understanding of of these topics in order to be the body of Christ in motion and to share the goodness of the Kingdom of God with our community. We are the hope of the world.