Three Ways to Participate in the Kingdom of God
For the past few weeks Pastor Will has been preaching on The Kingdom of God. That’s a broad spectrum topic that’s a mile wide and a mile deep; but he is breaking it down for us to digest. If you missed any of it, you can watch or listen on Podbean or YouTube.
Today though I want to share with you some thoughts on your participation in the Kingdom of God. Jesus did His part. He took on his back the sin of the world, yours and mine and paid the price in blood. He rose from the grave and is seated in Heavenly places at the right hand of the Father. This is not a spectator Kingdom, no it’s a get involved, don’t hold back, sold out, operating in grace kind of Kingdom. The Holy Spirit empowers us to take charge of in the full resources of the Kingdom of God. You see we are called to be salt and light to the world. Salt makes things better, light makes things brighter.
1. We are Citizens of Heaven ( The Kingdom of God ). We are passing through this life with expectation for something greater. While we inhabit earth we need to keep our minds focused on the Kingdom. Get a Kingdom mindset and exhibit that in our thinking, speech, and behavior.
2. We are Ambassadors of Christ. An ambassador does not represent their own thoughts or ideas but represents the position, stance and declarations of the country they are from. An ambassador speaks on behalf of their country. You do the same for the Kingdom of God. You are not your own but are bought with a price. We need to represent Jesus to our family, workplace, market place and everywhere we go.