In the year 1794 founding father Thomas Jefferson, one of the greatest thinkers ever, understood and fought for the idea that not just rich landowners should be allowed to vote but the privilege to vote belonged to all people. “The influence over government must be shared among all the people.”
People have fought, died, and shed blood, sweat, and tears to earn the right to have their voices heard. As an American, it is our privilege to vote. This should not be taken for granted. Freedom can be voted away but it must be won back with the firing of guns. For many across the globe that privilege has been stripped from them. The writer of the Wow Church blog lived in China for several years. I spoke with a friend there about the voting system in America and he lamented that he has never voted. I can testify that they would love the opportunity to vote for who they deemed appropriate to govern their nation.
As a follower of Jesus, you may think to yourself, “I don’t like either candidate for President or most of the other candidates!” Our honest response is we can’t blame you for that thought. The business of politics is dirty, producing people who don’t always align truly to our Christian faith or values. Sometimes leeway must be given as we don’t yet live under the perfect rule and harmony of Jesus Christ. If you don’t vote then non-believers who don’t have your values will vote and they will vote for candidates that are opposed to your Christian worldview.
It’s equally as important that you know the Word of God. Without it how will you know how to shape your worldview? You can not shape your opinions and ideas based on current affairs, popular culture, or what the news media tells you is the truth. Know the truth for yourself. The Bible is true despite how you feel, your circumstances, and what science, politicians, or even clergy may say or tell you is true. The truth is found in God’s Word. You won’t have to be discouraged or confused by the misinformation and disinformation that is plaguing the news and the internet. The truth you know will set you free. Stand with the eternal Word of God.
Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven.-Psalm 119:89