Christians are Called to Bravery

God Commands Bravery

We don’t think about this enough. God has given us the ability to overcome fear, and overcoming fear is called being brave. Here are four thoughts on being brave and walking in courage. 

Being brave is taking action despite fear. 

Bravery is not grounded in our ability, skill, or courage. Courage does not come from within us; it comes from the Holy Spirit working and moving through us.

Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success[a] wherever you go.- Joshua 1:7-8
Success formula. Bravery + Obey the Word = Success. If there ever were a formula for success in the Bible it would be this. Bravery is a key component to seeing success in your life. 

Bravery to Change.

Many of us are willing to settle for the good. Your life is good. Your job is good. Your kids are good. Your church is good. Your existence is good. Existing is good. The problem is there is a gulf between where you are and who you want to be.  You are not seeing the results; you have a mindset gap between scarcity and abundance. You need to come face to face with your bravery and decide to change.

Bravery to Take the Labels Off

Don’t conform to the corruption of this world’s standards, but instead, renew your mind by replacing labels with truth. Part of being a victim is accepting the labels of man that have been put on you  You might have been told by a parent, teacher, or coach that you were “stupid, ugly, slow, worthless, will never amount to anything,” how about “can’t you be more like your sibling?” etc. 
It is time to take those labels off, reject the lie, and put on the labels of the truth of God’s Word. “More than a conqueror. I have the hope of glory in me. I have the mind of Christ. I lack no good thing. I can do all things through Christ.” 

Bravery Means Responsibility

A common phrase that people say when they don’t want to take the burden of responsibility for growth or change is “Fake it till you make it.” Don’t fake it till you make it; get better, and you’ll make it. The choice you make makes you.

Responsibility isn’t easy, fun, or glamorous, but it is necessary.

As you accept responsibility in your life, it gives you more and more power. Responsibility will give you the power to change your life from where you are and help guide you to where you want to be. A natural leader doesn’t pass responsibility but accepts it and then makes it work for them.


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